How To Develop Healthy Eating Habits in Kids – 12 Effective Strategies

how to develop healthy eating habits in kids. little govinda

Remember the time when we were kids and hated those green vegetables? Our parents used to force us to eat those. Well as adults now we know that our parents were right about our meals and now it’s our challenge to instill those same healthy eating habits in our little ones. It’s challenging to convince our kids to choose a bowl of sprouts over a packet of chips. The aroma of street food and the lure of packaged snacks is real, but with awareness and creativity, the balance can be achieved. There are some commonly known strategies given below that will help you to develop healthy eating habits in kids.

How To Develop Healthy Eating Habits in Kids – 12 Effective Strategies

1. Embracing Small and Step-by-Step Changes

Step by step changes.

Firstly start with small and step-by-step changes. Your child is in learning mode. If you teach them slowly and a little, they will grasp it soon.

For example: Don’t order them to eat boiled spinach or bottle guard at once. Start with offering them boiled Potatoes first to develop the habit of eating vegetables. Switch the white rice to brown rice or add grated veggies into the paratha dough.

Remember, it’s like introducing the alphabet to a child; start with ‘A’ and ‘B’ before jumping to ‘D’ and ‘E’.

2. Bringing Fun to the Dining Table

Bringing fun to the dining table.
How to develop healthy eating habits in kids 12 effective strategies

Kids like New and different things to play with. They always want to see some unusual items even if it is the food or their toys.

Try making a tricolour Uthappam using tomato, bell peppers, and coriander or make square Paratha or a shapeless Roti. This will be fun for your kid. Engaging visuals can make traditional dishes appealing to kids.

3. Making Grocery Shopping a Learning Experience

Making grocery shopping a learning expreience

Help your children learn things practically. Books can help teach them essential things, but the impact of real-world experiences is more than anything.

The next time you visit the local Vegetable Market (Sabji Mandi) with your child, ask them to identify and name different greens or choose a new vegetable to try at home. It is like taking them to a toy store but for vegetables.

4. Build a consistent Eating Schedule

build a consistant eating schedule

Consistency is important. If dinner is at 8 p.m., stick to it somehow. In a few days, you will notice that your baby/child feels hungry at the exact time when you have scheduled to have lunch or dinner. This routine helps a lot with better digestion and helps with a deep and peaceful sleep.

5. You are the Role Model for your kids

Your are the roll model for your kids.
how to develop healthy eating habits in kids.

Kids are the reflection of adults. Whatever you eat your child will eat the same.

If you regularly take Fast Food in front of him, He will surely ask for the same, it is not his fault. So, you should also start eating Healthy in front of your child.

When children see you taking a bowl of dahi or picking fruits over fried snacks, they will follow it. You can also tell them how you became so strong today by consuming green vegetables in your childhood.

6. Turning Dishes into Learning Opportunities

Turning dishish into learning opportunities

To make your child more engaged in healthy eating, Share fun facts with him/her.

As an example, you can tell them ‘How turmeric can heal many of our diseases naturally, why it is called an antiseptic or how eating tamarind can aid digestion etc.

7. Include Them in Meal Preparations

include them in meal prepration

You may not be aware of this fact but if you allow, Kids love to help. So let them be the mini chef of your home. Let them decide sometimes what should be cooked. Also, teach them about the ingredients, and why they’re good for them.

8. Hydration is important in summers

Hydration is important in summers

Summers in India are really scorching. You must take care of your child’s hydration these days. Ask them to have Water at regular intervals. Instead of giving them Packed sugar-sweetened beverages like Soda or Cola, prepare Nimbu Pani or Aam Panna for them or offer them Coconut Water, which is the healthiest and naturally made soft drink.

9. Setting Limits with Sweets

Setting limits with sweets

It is said that Sugar is our second enemy (The First is ourselves). But in India, it is tradition to have sweets on any occasion or ceremony or festival. You must teach your child the disadvantages of eating lots of sweets.

Some children don’t even touch sweet things, but some are fond of sweets. Both may be considered wrong in terms of healthy eating. Occasional Gulab jamuns or Ras-malai are okay, but also introduce them to Natural Sweetness from Fruits and Jaggery (Gud). Whenever your child craves sweets, give him/her a fruit or fruit juice.

10. Championing the “Rainbow Thali/Plate” concept

Rainbow thali/plate

As everyone knows children like Colors the most. This is why Cartoons attract them. Ensure their plate has a splash of colours – green spinach, yellow dal, red pomegranate seeds and many more. Every colour brings a unique nutrient to the table.

In India, with its rich heritage, we have offered a plethora of nutritious options. A standard thali, from any region, provides carbohydrates (roti/rice), proteins (dals/legumes), fats (ghee/oils), and a spectrum of vitamins and minerals from vegetables and salads.

Prepare a colorful, wholesome nutritious Thali for your Child. Make it like a Rainbow on a plate. It will be fun for him/her to have such colourful and delicious food.

11. Acknowledging their Efforts

Acknowledge their efforts

When your children eat healthy food even once a day, appreciate them at once. It will encourage them to do more such things to get appreciation from you.

A simple “Very Good beta!” or “Shabash!” can mean the world.

12. Common Mistakes to Avoid

common mistakes to avoid. forcefully feeding

The most common mistake most of the parents do with their children is Feeding them forcefully. Your child may take that food forcefully once or twice but in the long run. He or She will try to run away from that food and even hate that one for their lifetime.

So, remember Force-feeding and strict food restrictions can backfire on you. Keep these above strategies in mind and try to make healthy eating a Positive Experience for your child.

An essential Reminder

Before concluding keep in mind one more thing, if you want to develop healthy eating habits in your Child then start Early. The best age to develop these habits is when your baby is about to turn 1 year old. Just like learning a new language, the younger they start, the easier it becomes for them to maintain those habits for a long period of time. Developing good eating habits early can pave the way for a healthier adulthood.

And remember it is never too late. Even if your children are now 4-5 years old or above, you can still start developing healthy eating habits in them by following the above strategies.


Developing healthy eating habits in children is challenging but it is also full of happiness. It is about giving them the right knowledge, setting the right example, and making the whole process entertaining. After all, a healthy child is a happy child who keeps the whole family joyful.


  1. Can Indian snacks be healthy?
    Absolutely! Most of the Indian snacks are healthy. You can go for roasted makhana or puffed rice bhel with loads of veggies.
  2. Is ghee beneficial for children?
    Yes, in moderation. Ghee is a source of healthy fats and aids digestion. Ghee is commonly used in every house in India.
  3. How to make dal appealing to kids?
    Experiment with it or add some paneer cubes or veggies to make it colourful and tasty.
  4. How to ensure kids eat enough greens?
    Spinach or Methi parathas and vegetable sandwiches are great options. Also, try giving green chutneys to them.
  5. How can I make vegetables more appealing to my child?
    Try different cooking methods, such as roasting or making smoothies, and involve them in the cooking process.
  6. Are occasional treats, okay?
    Absolutely! It’s all about balance. Treats can be given as rewards or on special occasions. Allow your child to take some other stuff sometimes like sweets.
  7. How do I handle my child’s cravings for junk food?
    Limit the availability of junk food in the house and offer healthier snack alternatives like Fruits and Nuts. Also if you do not eat Junk Food in front of your child He will also not crave that.
  8. What if my child is allergic to certain healthy foods?
    Consult with a paediatrician or nutritionist for alternatives. There are plenty of nutritious foods out there.
  9. Can I start instilling these habits in a teenager?
    Yes, it’s never too late. However, it might require more patience and open conversations about health.

3 thoughts on “How To Develop Healthy Eating Habits in Kids – 12 Effective Strategies”

  1. Very effective and informative tips for all parents looking forward for more information. Well done keep it up..

  2. Pingback: Infant Nutrition Guide: 8 Wholesome Foods for Babies

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